Hello, I'm
Hilary Weeks
I’m happy to share a few things about myself but if you want to know the truth, I would rather be talking about you. But be forewarned, I would ask you a lot of questions. I tend to do that. Even though I am a bit of an introvert, I love learning about people. I love hearing stories and imagining what it would be like to feel and experience the things someone else does. That’s what inspires me to write. I feel drawn to unlocking and expressing the feelings of the heart through music.
I also feel drawn to coconut – in any form. Ice cream, cake, candy bars, shrimp (you know…coconut shrimp with that yummy pina colada dipping sauce. Oh my. I’d better stop before I drool on the keyboard.)
I’ve been married to Tim for almost 31 years and still think he is totally babelicious. (Definition: Possessing or displaying attributes of a hunk or stud while simultaneously exhibiting patience, kindness and genuine concern for others. Oh, and smart. Like really smart.)
I have four amazing daughters, three incredible sons-in-law and a grandson! Best thing ever! We love to laugh, explore, eat and just be together.
Speaking of children, sometimes my CDs feel a little like children in that they consume my thoughts, energy, creativity and I hope they add good to the world. I have “birthed” 14 CDs. (Can you say that about a CD?) My hope is that the music brings you hope, peace, comfort, smiles, added faith and a reminder that God knows and loves you. He does. I promise.
Oh, there is so much more I want to tell you. I guess we will have to continue this through the blog and newsletter. I’ll sum up by saying I love family time, alone time, meal time and bed time. (Give me eight hours of sleep, please!). I try to put God first in my life because He makes everything else fall into place. And because I love Him.
If we ever get a chance to chat, my first question will be…What are three words you’d use to describe yourself. Be thinking!
I’d love to connect with you on…
Instagram @hilaryweeksmusic
Facebook @hilaryweeks
YouTube @hilaryweeksmusic

I’d love to keep in touch via my bi-monthly newsletter! Each one includes a short message, life hack, uplifting product and free download!